Thursday, September 18, 2008

Money, money, money

As Margaret says, it all takes money! Not just solar panels, but everything. There may come a day, though, when solar panels are actually cheaper than petroleum products; scary, but it could happen.

We are sitting in the Portland Airport right now waiting for our flight to Seattle, and then on to Sitka, Alaska. This will be a whirlwind trip: 4 churches in 5 days. Tomorrow evening we'll cook our African stew in Sitka and tell them about all that God is doing in Botswana. At the crack of dawn on Saturday we'll board a plane for Anchorage, and by nightfall on Saturday, we need to be in Glennallen. After the morning worship celebration in Glennallen, we'll drive all the way to North Pole. . .not the North Pole, but the town of North Pole, AK. We'll share our ministry with the people there on Sunday evening and then hop in the car and drive all the way back to Anchorage to cook African Stew again in Anchorage. The fun just keeps on coming!

We do this to connect with God's people and report what He is doing among the nations. . . specifically in the nation of Botswana.

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