Friday, August 22, 2008

Waiting room

Aug 22, 2008

I am sitting in the waiting room at the Salem Edoscopy Center, waiting for Chuck to be scoped. He has suffered indigestion and heartburn for years and we knew that he would eventually have to be scoped, so today that day has finally arrived. It’s not that the problems have gotten worse, really, so much as they’ve just hung on for so long that our doctor didn’t think we ought to ignore it longer. Well, we hadn’t really been ignoring it, but, you know, zantac and prilosec will only take you so far!

We’re sending out a paper newsletter this week, and I’ve spent the last hour or so updating our mailing list. If you are not on our mailing list but you’d like to be, just post a comment to this blog and let me know your address. If you are on our mailing list and you don’t want to be, please don’t write an irate letter, but do let us know.

We spend so much time in the car these days, traveling from church to church, that I’ve done a lot of reading. I know that makes some people carsick, but I usually do ok if I take short breaks frequently. I read a lot of romance novels, but they are not very satisfying.

But I’ll have to save that for tomorrow, Chuck’s scheduled to be done pretty soon here.

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